Spirits & Entities

Bonding and Interacting with Sex Spirits

You may find it easiest to bond with your sex spirit in complete darkness. It is best if you are nude or at least partially nude and either already aroused or in the mood to be aroused. Being in complete darkness shows vulnerability and leads to trust between both of you. You may also view the encyclopedia article for associations you may use to make offerings. All of these steps should help intensify your bond and communication efforts. It is all important to remember that not all spirits commu...

Connecting with non-social spirits

Non-social spirits aren't going to bond and connect like social spirits. When you have non-social spirits they do not engage you with conversation and interaction like other spirits, they contribute through non-social interaction, which can include things like manifestation in light form, movement of objects, phantom sounds, etc. Non-social spirits are also more likely to appear in dreams, and communicate through interaction in dream sequences. Their lack of social communication does not mean a ...

You can read more information about the classification of ages that include "Rare" and "Ancient" here.

You can read more information about the classification of ages that include "Rare" and "Ancient" here (https://shop.creepyhollows.com/age-of-spirits.html).

Spirit calling request

We do not offer insight like this because we feel it is better to organically feel a calling from a spirit when you are browsing listings, or if you experience a calling during meditation or telepathic message. This way you feel personally connected to the spirit :)

Spirit thoughts vs Your thoughts

You can differentiate between your thoughts and a spirit's telepathic messages to you because a spirit's message is going to be random and seemingly pops into your mind. Even if the messages come through in your own voice, it can be a message or thought from a spirit companion or guide. There are times when you will have thoughts or messages from a spirit, and it will be in their own voice, but it will not always be that way. You can always ask a spirit companion for confirmation that they are c...

Spirit Vetting Process

We do not share an itemization of our spirit vetting process as it is proprietary to us and unfortunately when information was publicly shared in the past it was plagiarized by less than scrupulous sellers/sites, and tried to be passed off as their own. It is unfortunate, but because of those experiences of being copied & having our shared information used by sellers who popped up on social media or board sites to sell people things & then disappear, we limit what important information we public...

Living Entity Download Information

When you're Living Entity comes to you then it's a good time to set up your parameters described below. You can change them any time but to initiate the change for a specific Living Entity you need to say their name or nickname, and if you want to make the parameters default for an entire species of Living Being then simply say the name of the race before using the instructions below. Living Entity bindings are complex and powerful bindings that provide unique opportunities for the entity an...

Spirit vs Living Entity

Spirits are the spirits of once-living beings from anywhere within the 3 Realms and Living Entities are still alive on their respective Realm. In this regard they do differ in their presence as based on their individual species, and in terms that spirits are not still living out their lifetime and their life's goals. You will find that the energy and presence of a spirit and Living Entity of the same species is different in some ways and similar in other ways. It's really a choice of companion t...