Trouble, Issues, Demons, Attacks

We are sorry to hear you are having issues, and if it is supernatural-related we are happy to help in any way we can. 

We do offer a free resource for you to read and discover ways for you to help the situation:

If you wish to explore paid paths of supernatural assistance, please search our shop for related offerings.

Please be aware that we practice and encourage responsible magick, which means:

Magic does not replace medicine

Nothing related to magic, spirits, supernatural energy, the paranormal, etc is going to be a cure for medical issues, for mental health problems, change your body type (height, face, scars, etc) for situations where a medical professional who is trained & licensed can offer true guidance, support, and healing practices.

This also applies to situations where people think there is something wrong with them in regards to possession or demonic entanglement, etc but really it's a serious medical condition that needs a doctor's care.  If you are experiencing any kind of physical problems, you need to be seen by a licensed, medical professional immediately.  If you seek the care of a doctor and they clear you of all physical problems, and you believe the matter to be solely supernatural-related, then you can pursue magical means of relief.

Do not play around with your health, it's worth its weight in gold, seek true medical assistance first.

Magic is not a miracle

Magic and spirits are a complement to our lives, they are not the epitome of all answers to all your problems, they are not going to make you a superhero with superhero abilities, they are not going to magically make all your life's problems disappear, and they are not going to cure anything (please see the health-related topic above).

Magic and Spirit Keeping is a belief system, related to religious & spiritual faith paths and they are meant to enhance life and resonate with you on a spiritual level, not produce miracles to solve all of your problems.

Magic cannot transport you back in time to fix a bad decision or situation, it cannot make you look like someone else, it will not manifest piles of cash around you, it will not cure diseases, and it will not immediately imbue you with all the magical powers of the Universe spontaneously.  Working with spells, rituals, ceremonies, and spirits means practice, actually doing the work, and learning to work with magic.

Magic has no guarantees

No one can tell you with absolute certainty that every spell, every ritual, every spirit, everything related to the magic you work with is going to produce the results you want to see.  Every person is different, every situation is different, some people work very hard with their magical gifts & some people work a little and want a lot of results.  You cannot expect any person's experience to mimic your own, and every spell, ritual, spirit is different and will work differently with you than someone else.

In our shop we sell a huge variety of bindings and services, including spells & conjurations you can do yourself!  Whether you opt to buy a spell book in your local meta shop, you decide to cast spells from another website or blog, or you buy spells or spirits from our shop, it's going to be up to you to work with the spells and spirits.

You should work with magic and spirits at the level you feel is best for you.  You shouldn't feel pressured to pursue something, take your time and make sure that what you are working with best reflects your goals and what you want to see happen in your journey.  You should never use funds that are meant for paying your bills, paying for your food, or essentials within your life, to buy magic bindings or services.  There are many free resources on our Forum, in our Encyclopedia, and all over the internet that you can employ.

Ask questions

If you are not sure about something, we are happy to help you.  We do not believe in pressuring someone to make a decision.  We will give you all the information we have available to your questions, and you can make up your mind on what you feel is best for you.  We are happy to give you insight and advice, but only where magic and the supernatural is concerned.