Transmute Spell for Moving Bindings Yourself

Preparation of Vessels 


Use this cleansing spell for the new vessel to cleanse it of any naturally occurring energy residue: 


Washed away are the ties of the physical world

Cleansing the palette for my brush

The rays of the beloved light dispersing any deterring attachments

And leave only the purity of a newly born treasure


Use this preparation spell for the original vessel: 


Container of magick, raise your energies to the surface

Collecting all that you hold into focus

Ready your energy for movement

As I offer new sanctuary for your care


When that is complete move into this next step immediately.


Transmute Spell 


Hold the original vessel in your left hand, and hold the vessel you wish to transfer to in the right hand.


Move Spirits or Spells from Vessel to Vessel 


Friend/Enchantment from this vessel I move you

Offering this home as your residence

Permanently transferred from one to other

Sealed in the binding you were conjured with

All transmuted wholly (Friend for spirit, Enchantment for spell)


Speak these code words directly after spell for protection on the new vessel Sitera lebon arian (See-tear-ah lah-bahn ah-ree-ahn)


If you don't feel comfortable doing this yourself, then there's always the Transmute Bag.